Friday, April 8, 2011

english blogging```````````````4

Story Book : Famous Classic Tales
Auther : Magdalene Hou

1.scarcely : barely,almost not
2.scorched : burned
3.discontent : dissatisfaction
4.driving : forcing
5.wrath : anger
6.toiled : worked long and hard
7.scanty : little and barely enough
8.philosophy : the search for the nature and meaning of life
9.descended : went down
10.mocked : made fun of
11.compassion : pity
12.embraced : hugged
13.astounded : greatly surprised
14.gazed : looked long and steadily : pleasure
16.staggered : walk unsteadily
17.virtuous : good and excellent
18.renowned : famous
19.bestowed : gave as an offering
20.gallent : brave

Comment and Thought
In this story, I found that everybody must learned to be satisfied with it, and did not long to be something or somebody else. We will be more happier if we never longed for things we had not got, or desired to be greater and mightier than people.

english blogging``````3

Story Book : Treadng on Dreams

Author : Clare West

1.aubergine(n) : a long vegetable with dark purple skin
2.blush(v) : to become red in the face
3.breeches(n) : short trousers fastened just below the knee
4.buckles(n) : pieces of metal used for fastening shoes
5.drag(v) : to pull something along with difficulty
6.eyelids(n) : the pieces of skin that move to cover your eyes
7.giggle(v) : to laugh in a silly way
8.gin (n) : a strong, colourless alcoholic drink
9.missus (informal) : used when speaking to a woman
10.nail varnish(n) : a liquid that people paint on their fingernails
11.naked(v) : no wearing any clothes
12.pillar(n) : a stone columm that supports a wall
13.raffle(n) : the sale of numbered tickets, one of which wins a prize
14.reel(n) : a fast Irish, Scottish, or American dance, for two or four couples
15.sober(adj) : not drunk, not affected by alcohol
16.turban(n) : a long piece of cloth around the head worn, for examples, by Sikh and Muslim men
17.bolloks(slang) : someone of bad character
18.exaggerate(v) : to make something seem larger, better, worse or more important than it really is
19.hips(n) : the bones at the sides of your body, just below your waist
20.fiddle(n) : a stringed musical instrument usually called violin

Comment ang thought
Irish writers have long been famous for short stories and there is a rich variety in this volume. On the windswept west coast of Ireland a boy and his grandmother welcome a stranger; ina a Dublin bar two men discuss a women. Amother strunggles to live withe the pain of a child's death; a failed musician drowns his sorrows in whiskey in New York. Then there is the fishermen who caught no fish; a small boy who gets cross with his father; and a girl with long black hair, cycling down the mountain road to her first party, with hope in her heart. And the wish in all their hearts might be, in the words of the poet W.B. Yeats,"Tread softly because you tread on my dreams'.
After reading this book, I found that somebody who have dreams and never give up themself will achieve their dreams.